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Duration of 2 hours. This is a course for everyone: non-dancers, dancers, health professionals, just anyone interested in knowling the benefits of dances at the psychological and neurological level. Part of this will be lecture and part of it will be practical with exercises that really tap and enchance those benefits. You will be able to take those movement techniques with you and apply to your day and practice. This intensive is based on my method - the Dance Integrated Healing which is evidence-based method embedded with the neuroscience, psychology, and the positive impact of dance on the brain, body, and mind. Its flexible gentle guided improvisation design makes this method suitable for everyone and ideal for those with limited mobility. Rooted in the idea that dance is innate to everyone, it incorporates dance therapy aspects and emphasises various healing components of dance whilst including other related practices such as somatics, breathing work, and dynamic meditation in order to instigate creativity, expression, cognition, healing, and transcendence. It blends modern and ancient wisdom to create an integrated self by accessing physical and mental imbalances. It is a synthesis of purposeful intuitive practices where the body dances you. A multi-pass access to the body and the ways movement can heal pushing you to tune in with the deepest layers of movement that slowly will turn into your own linguistic and healing motion because movement is our universal mother tongue and inherent healing power.


Cancellation Policy

All tickets are non-refundable unless the event is cancellled or rescheduled.



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